for Monday, April 29th
Volleyball with be having open gym Tuesday from 4:30-6pm.
Prom is Saturday! Promenade and Coronation will begin at 5:00 on Saturday in the gym. Students should arrive between 4:15 and 4:30 for outside pictures. Line-up in the commons at 4:45. Students should park in the front of the school or in the north faculty parking lot. The general public should park behind the school and enter through the back door by the gym. Prom is at Orpheum Theatre in Champaign from 8-11 p.m. Students can change clothes at the Orpheum, so they can go directly to Post Prom. Post Prom is at Elevate Trampoline Park from 11:30 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Food and drinks will be provided. Be smart and have a safe Prom weekend.
Seniors, the last day to accept senior pictures for the graduation slide show is Wednesday! Also, Jostens has extra Graduation announcements available if you need to purchase more. See the office for more information.
Please check the bulletin boards for your Senior fees and fines owed to the high school. After May 1st, all fines must be made in CASH! No checks will be accepted.
All Seniors, if you haven’t turned in your library books… they are late! You will be charged for the book and added to your fees and fines.
If you had any community service during the school year, we want to recognize you on honors night! Please fill out the purple community service hours paper handed out during classes last week. If you did not get a paper, see the main office or Mrs. Whitehouse. Community Service papers should be turned in no later than TOMORROW in order to be recognized at honors night!
Summer Volleyball camp forms are available from Coach Miles. Please return by May 11th.
High school summer girls basketball camp will begin June 4th from 2:30pm to 4pm, and June 5th – 7th from 12:00 noon to 2pm. Deadline is April 26th. Pick up the forms in the office or for additional information.
Congratulations to all of the FFA winners at last night’s banquet. Thanks to the FFA officers, parents and Ms. Meisner on a great banquet!
Upcoming events for this week is:
· Section 16 FFA Banquet 6pm in the Old Gym.
· The Tech Prep Appreciation Banquet will be on Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Library.
· Honors Night will also be on Thursday beginning at 7:00 pm in the New Gym.
· Bloomington Area Career Center’s Night of Recognition 7pm in Bloomington on Thursday.
Today the Varsity Baseball and Softball teams play Okaw Valley at HOME both games
beginning at 4:30, weather permitting. Go Knights!
After school detentions this week are with Mr. Duke.
Lunch menu for today is Corn Dog or Cheeseburger