5/3 daily HS student announcements


for Friday, May 3rd                  

Prom is TOMORROW! Promenade and Coronation will begin at 5:00 in the gym. Students should arrive between 4:15 and 4:30 for outside pictures. Line-up in the commons at 4:45. Students should park in the front of the school or in the north faculty parking lot.  Prom is at the Orpheum Theatre in Champaign from 8-11 p.m.  Students can change clothes at the Orpheum, so they can go directly to Post Prom. Post Prom is at Elevate Trampoline Park from 11:30 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Food and drinks will be provided. Be smart, have fun and have a safe Prom weekend!

Mrs. Lagle has your prom t-shirts in her room.  Please get it today!

Color Guard members- there are schedules outside Ms. Meisner's classroom door. Practice starts Monday. 

The last day to order this year’s yearbook is May 31st!  See Ms. Thacker to order!

There will be a Key Club meeting for ALL members next Friday at lunch in Mrs. Jones room.

Volleyball open gym will be held on Monday, May 6th from 4:30 pm-6pm.


Student Council will have a meeting next Thursday during lunch in the Art room.  We will be voting for officers for next year.  Please see Mrs. Wieber by Wednesday if you would like to be an officer.  We are also having an end of the year celebration meeting, so all members should attend. 


Book Club will meet on Thursday, May 9th in the HS library during lunch.

There will be a soccer meeting for all interested on Friday, May 10th at 12:16 in the new gym.


For those interested in joining the NEW Shooting Club at school, there will be a meeting Friday, May 10th with Mrs. Danner-Duncan and Coach Miles in the library at 12:30 pm during lunch.

Summer Volleyball camp forms are available from Coach Miles.  Please return by May 11th.


Cheer tryout open gym and instruction will be held May 20th thru 22nd from 3:30-5 in the New Gym.  Cheer tryouts will be held May 23, starting at 3:30 and will also be held in the New Gym.  Sign up in the Unit Office!!


The girls and boys track teams will be leaving at 12:45 pm today for the LOVC conference meet in Arcola beginning at 2:15.  The Varsity Baseball team will play Lexington at HOME beginning at 4:30, and the Varsity Softball team will play at Argenta-Oreana beginning at 4:30. Go Knights!


Lunch menu for today is Cheese Pizza or Chicken Tenders w/breadstick