5/22 daily HS student announcements


            for May 22nd, 2019                    

Cheer tryout open gym and instruction finish TODAY from 3:30-5:00 in the new gym.  Cheer tryouts will be on Thursday starting at 3:30 and will be held in the new gym. 

There will be an important theatre meeting this Friday after school on the stage. Please plan to attend if you are involved in theatre or would like to get involved!  If you can’t attend, please let Miss Yeagle know as soon as possible!

Anyone interested in going out for golf next year, please meet on Thursday at 12:40 in the new gym with Coach Hawkins.

All girls Softball uniforms should be turned into the office this week.

Attention all girls track members, please turn in uniforms and warm-ups to Coach Miles this week.

The Spring Sports awards night will be held on Wednesday, May 29th at 6pm.

Anyone interested in playing soccer next year who did not attend the previous meeting,  please stop by room 202 and pick up paperwork from Mrs. Flannell!

Anyone interested in playing soccer and can attend the Hoopeston tournament in July needs to turn in the paperwork to Mrs. Flannell by May 30th.

Anyone who played soccer last fall and has not already done so, please turn in your uniform ASAP to Mrs. Flannell.

The last day to order this year’s yearbook is May 31st!  See Ms. Thacker to order!

Attention Boys track team members, please return your uniforms to Coach Sawyer this week!    

After school detentions this week are in the office. .  

Lunch menu for today is Bosco Stick or Parmesan Chicken