


For Thursday, September 14th   


 The Soccer team will be dismissed at 230 today.

Blue Ridge Boys golf hosted an 8-team invitational last night at Woodlawn Country Club. Our boys placed first with Jackson Hawn getting 1st place with a PR of 38, Gavin Friel placed 5th and Caden Brown placed 9th. Way to represent Blue Ridge!!

The art club is holding its first meeting on Wednesday, September 20th in the art room after school until 4:15. Sign-ups are available on Sports You or see Mrs. Ramirez. 

Yearbooks are now on sale for $45 until Sept. 22, then they will go up to $50.

You can go to or bring a check for $45 made out to BRHS yearbook or bring cash to Ms. T.

Sophomores remember mums are being delivered this Friday. You must have them picked up by 6pm!

Blue Ridge Homecoming week is Sept. 25-Sept. 30th.  The Homecoming theme for this school year is: Rewind 2000's.  Voting for the Homecoming Court will begin Today during English classes.  Sign-ups for the dance will begin Thursday, Sept. 21 during lunch in the Commons.  The Homecoming Dance will be Sept. 30th from 7-9pm in the Moore Gym. 

If you need a guest form, please see Mrs. Raines in the office. 

If you are interested in participating in Booster Club Homecoming Games after Coronation on Sunday, Sept. 24 please sign up for Powder Puff Football; Macho Volleyball; Mr. and Mrs. Cool.  Sign up sheets will be available during lunch on the white table near the office. 

There will be a Student Council meeting every Tuesday until Sept. 19 during lunch in the HS Library to finalize Homecoming plans. Class officers and Student Council officers please plan on attending.  

Anyone interested in a highly competitive academic question and answer team stop by the chem lab during lunch for a scholastic bowl informational meeting on Thursday September 28th. 

The Haunted Forest will be October 13th & 14th and October 20th & 21st (Rain date weekend October 27th & 28th).  Volunteer opportunities include: Pumpkin carving Monday, October 9th - Wednesday, October 11th from 6:30-8:30 at South Park.  Friday and Saturday Event Volunteers are needed for: Line attendants, Event Guides, Loading/Unloading the hayrack, Setup/Clean up, and more.  Saturday October 14th and October 21st from 2:00-7:00 pm Matinee Volunteers are needed for set up, games, barrel train, and clean-up. 

Upcoming college visits: 

- Parkland College and Illinois College September 20th

Please see Ms. Clayton or Ms. Hieronymus for a pass. You must have a pass to attend the meeting.

Today’s lunch menu is: Spaghetti, garlic bread, broccoli, fruit, milk and juice.