Blue Ridge High School
Daily Student Announcements
for Monday, September 18th
Band members: Don’t forget, per the band schedule there is morning practice on Tuesday morning at 7am! Brew your coffee!
Homecoming is coming up next week! Dress up days will be:
Monday, Sept 25th – No School and continue to work on class Homecoming Floats
Tuesday Sept 26th – NEON Color Day
Wednesday, Sept. 27th Wear PINK Day
Thursday, Sept. 28th – Iconic 2000’s Character/Individual Day
Friday, Sept. 29th – Class Color /Spirit Wear Day
If you are interested in participating in Booster Club Homecoming Games after Coronation on Sunday, Sept. 24th, please sign up for Powder Puff Football; Macho Volleyball and Mr/Ms Cool. Sign up sheets will be available during lunch on the white table in the Commons or in the office.
There will be a Student Council meeting tomorrow in the Library during lunch. Everyone please attend!
Illinois College will be here on 9/20 for a college visit during 1st hour. Please get a pass from Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton if any Junior or Senior would like to attend.
There is a STEM Club meeting at lunch in the chem lab on Wednesday .
The Art Club will be holding it’s first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, Sept. 20th in the Art room after school until 4:15. Sign-ups are available on Sports You or See Mrs. Ramirez.
Tonight is Varsity Soccer at Danville Schlarman @ 4:30. The bus will leave at 2:35 and students should be released at 2:20.
Varsity Boys and Girls Golf match at Fisher (Willow Pond in Rantoul) at 4pm with the bus leaving at 2:45. Students should be dismissed at 2:30.
Varsity and JV Volleyball @ Leroy @ 5:30 with the bus leaving at 4:40. Good Luck Knights!
The Knights Varsity Football team took on the Wildcats from River Ridge resulting in a heartbreaking 20-21 loss, bringing the team to 2-2 overall. The Knights will be back on track this week for a 7pm game at Milford. Let's go Knights!
Today’s lunch menu is: Hot Dog, Baked Chips, Side Salad, Carrots and Fruit