Blue Ridge High School
Daily Student Announcements
for Tuesday, September 19th
Homecoming is coming up next week! Dress up days will be:
Monday, Sept 25th – No School and continue to work on class Homecoming Floats
Tuesday Sept 26th – NEON Color Day
Wednesday, Sept. 27th Wear PINK Day
Thursday, Sept. 28th – Iconic 2000’s Character/Individual Day
Friday, Sept. 29th – Class Color /Spirit Wear Day
Homecoming activites begin this weekend in the Moore Gym! Sunday, 9/24 @ 5pm is the Wall of Fame winners celebration honoring Coach Wayne Brown, Maureen Gilbert, Steve Hoffman an d Sonny Cordes. Directly after that 2023 Homecoming Coronation will be held for the 2023 Homecoming King and Queen. Games will be held after that in the HS gym and outside.
If you are interested in participating in Booster Club Homecoming Games after Coronation on Sunday, Sept. 24th, please sign up for Powder Puff Football; Macho Volleyball and Mr/Ms Cool. Sign up sheets are available during lunch in the office.
There will be a Student Council meeting today in the Library during lunch. Everyone please attend!
Illinois College will be here on 9/20 for a college visit during 1st hour. Please get a pass from Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton if any Junior or Senior would like to attend.
There is a STEM Club meeting at lunch in the chem lab on Wednesday .
The Art Club will be holding it’s first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, Sept. 20th in the Art room after school until 4:15. Sign-ups are available on Sports You or See Mrs. Ramirez.
If you're looking for a community of people who will encourage and challenge you as you walk through life, come check out "Thrive". Thrive is a place to grow in community as you grow in your faith and it is open to everyone! We'll meet on Thursday at lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. Lunch will be provided! Don't just get through your day, try to Thrive! "
Are you interested in fun and adventure? Come check out the Dungeons and Dragons club! Talk with Mr. Minteer after school and we'll find a group for you to join. If you can't attend, fill out the survey using the QR code by one of the posters in the school. If you're already in a Dungeons and Dragons group check your email for info about your next meeting!
Varsity volleyball had a tough loss last night to LeRoy 15-25; 22-25. Phoebe Reynolds led the team with 7 kills and 4 aces; Lexi Phelps added 4 kills and 2 blocks. Alissa Edwards had 13 assists and Ava Hammer had 13 digs. The JV girls also lost 18-25 and 13-25. Knights are back in action tonight at home versus Villa Grove at 6 p.m.
Today is Varsity boys and girls Golf @ Sullivan in an LPC Conference match. Good Luck!
Varsity and JV Volleyball is at HOME Tuesday at 6pm vs. Villa Grove and Varsity Soccer is at Argenta-Oreana with the bus leaving at 3pm (getting out at 2:45) and the game starting at 4:30. Go Knights!
Today’s lunch menu is: Tater Tot Tacos, Side Salad, Fruit