
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Thursday, September 21st


Next week Homecoming dress up days are as follows:

Monday, Sept 25th –  No School and continue to work on class Homecoming Floats

Tuesday Sept 26th –  NEON Color Day

Wednesday, Sept. 27th  Wear PINK Day

Thursday, Sept. 28th – Iconic 2000’s

Friday, Sept. 29th – Class Color /Spirit Wear Day


The Homecoming theme for this school year is: Rewind 2000's.  Voting for the Homecoming Court will beginning TODAY during the announcements and continue until 3:15 only.  Sign-ups for the dance will begin Thursday, Sept. 21 during lunch in the Commons until next Thursday, 9/28..  Cost is $3 for single and $5 couple. The Homecoming Dance will be Sept. 30th from 7-9pm in the Moore Gym.  Remember to turn in your forms for the dance.

The Sophomore class float building will be in the Gold expo building on the fairgrounds.

There is still time to sign up for the Homecoming Games after Coronation on Sunday, Sept. 24th, please sign up for Powder Puff Football; Macho Volleyball and Mr/Ms Cool.  Sign up sheets are available during lunch in the office.  Remember you’ll win SPIRIT point for your class!

Attention Knight Buddies:  there is a meeting FRIDAY in the library during lunch with Ms. Clayton.  Please attend.

If you're looking for a community of people who will encourage and challenge you as you walk through life, come check out "Thrive".  Thrive is a place to grow in community as you grow in your faith and it is open to everyone! We'll meet TODAY at lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. Lunch will be provided!  Don't just get through your day, try to Thrive! "

Are you interested in fun and adventure? Come check out the Dungeons and Dragons club! Talk with Mr. Minteer after school and we'll find a group for you to join. If you can't attend, fill out the survey using the QR code by one of the posters in the school. If you're already in a Dungeons and Dragons group check your email for info about your next meeting!


Yesterday FFA Members attended the Section 16 Horse Judging contest in Sullivan with team members including Jayden Sexton, Carmen Ellis, Gracelyn Brand, Lori Weiss, Rachel Light, Payton Heiser, Cheyanne Smith, Haylee Dean, Caleb Buskirk, and Mercedes Manuel. The team was 3rd overall out of 13 teams and Gracelyn placed 10th overall individually. Way to go Knights!


Our boys golf team won in a tri-meet against Iroquois West and Heritage with a team score of 176. Leading our boys with a personal best of 36, which is par, was Jackson Hawn. Coming in behind him with his personal best of 46 was Gavin Friel. Way to go boys!!!


Our girls placed second against Iroquois West and Rantoul/PBL. Lily Enger lead the team with a score of 49. Payton Heiser placed second for our girls with a personal record of 53. Way to go ladies!


TONIGHT’s HOME Volleyball game vs. Heritage starts at 5:30pm.  The theme for the night is Soccer Moms vs. BBQ Dads!   Soccer is away at Watseka @ 4:30pm with the bus leaving at 2:30 and students released at 2:15.


Today’s lunch menu is:  Chicken Alfredo with Garlic Bread, Broccoli and Carrots and Fruit