Blue Ridge High School
Daily Student Announcements
for Thursday, September 22nd
Next week is Homecoming!
This Sunday, 9/24 is the Wall of Fame ceremony at 5pm in the Moore Gym. Then at 6pm is the Coronation. Please come out and see who will be our new King or Queen!
Next week Dress up days are as follows:
Monday, Sept 25th – No School and continue to work on class Homecoming Floats
Tuesday Sept 26th – NEON Color Day
Wednesday, Sept. 27th - PINK Day
Thursday, Sept. 28th – Iconic 2000’s
Friday, Sept. 29th – Class Color /Spirit Wear Day
The Homecoming theme for this school year is: Rewind 2000's. Sign-ups for the dance will begin TODAY during lunch in the Commons until next Thursday, 9/28.. Cost is $3 for single and $5 couple. The Homecoming Dance will be Sept. 30th from 7-9pm in the Moore Gym. Remember to turn in your forms for the dance.
The Sophomore class float building will be in the Gold expo building at the fairgrounds.
Attention Knight Buddies: there is a meeting TODAY in the library during lunch with Ms. Clayton. Please attend.
Are you interested in fun and adventure? Come check out the Dungeons and Dragons club! Talk with Mr. Minteer after school and we'll find a group for you to join. If you can't attend, fill out the survey using the QR code by one of the posters in the school. If you're already in a Dungeons and Dragons group check your email for info about your next meeting!
The Lady Knights lost a hard fought battle with Heritage last night 22-25; 23-25. Top player performances were Phoebe Reynolds with 7 Kills, 2 Aces, 9 digs; Paige Browning added 3 Kills, 7 digs; and Lexi Phelps with 2 Blocks, 2 Kills, 2 Aces. The JV lost 13-25; 16-25.
Today’s lunch menu is: Bosco Sticks, Soup, Asparagus, Fruit & Juice
Remember, there is no school on MONDAY!!