
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Tuesday, September 26th  


There is no Student Council meeting TODAY during lunch!

It’s Homecoming Week! 

Congratulations to our new 2023 Homecoming King and Queen – King Tomasso Passero and Queen Phoebe Reynolds!  They will proudly be representing our school all week long.

Dress up days this week are:

TODAY is NEON Color Day

Wednesday, Sept. 27th - PINK Day

Thursday, Sept. 28th – Iconic 2000’s

Friday, Sept. 29th – Class Color /Spirit Wear Day


Spirit points were all won by the Seniors on Sunday night Homecoming kick off activities!  Seniors have 12 points and the other 3 classes have 0.  The Juniors, Sophomores and Freshman have some catching up to do for the rest of this week!  The winner will be announced on Friday at the Cheer games!  Every day this week at 12:40 during lunch, gather your class in the old gym and we’ll take count of how many participate in dress up days.  This will count toward your Spirit points!


The Homecoming theme for this school year is: Rewind 2000's.  Sign-ups for the dance will begin TODAY during lunch in the Commons until Thursday, 9/28.  Cost is $3 for single and $5 couple. The Homecoming Dance will be this Saturday, Sept. 30th from 7-9pm in the Moore Gym.  Remember to turn in your forms for the dance along with the picture ID’s!  They are due Wednesday!

Are you interested in fun and adventure? Come check out the Dungeons and Dragons club! Talk with Mr. Minteer after school and we'll find a group for you to join. If you can't attend, fill out the survey using the QR code by one of the posters in the school. If you're already in a Dungeons and Dragons group check your email for info about your next meeting!


The library will be open during the lunch period starting TOMORROW.  This will be a quiet space for you to come after you eat lunch to read a book, work on homework or a puzzle, or relax with a coloring book.  There will be no food or drink allowed.  Come check it out.  If you have any questions, see Mrs. Raines in the library.  

The BRHS soccer team defeated ALAH last night 4-0.  Scoring for the Knights was Saia Dean with assists from Zach Lewis, Tommy Passero, and Broghen Flannell and Zach Lewis with an assist from Ty Meeker.  


Today’s lunch menu is:  Sub Sandwich, Pasta Salad, Carrots with Ranch dip, Fruit & Slushie