For Thursday, August 22nd
Remember, if you drive and park on John Street, it’s back in parking only! You have now been warned before tickets are given out by the police department!
Thanks to everyone for a great afternoon at our Back to School Bash and Kick Ball Tournament yesterday. The Seniors defeated the junior class and the freshman defeated the sophomore class in the first two games. The Seniors went on to defeat the Freshman in the winners bracket. The teacher's team showed a great effort but were just out played by the Seniors. Congratulations everyone on well played games. Thanks to the Mrs. Meisner and the FFA officers for fixing our all school picnic lunch, to the Marching Band thanks for performing your opening number of your show and now we are looking forward to seeing the rest of the show! Also Cheerleaders, you did a great job getting everyone excited and pumped up for the day. It was a great team effort for a fun day. We are looking forward to a great year.
There will be a Student Council Officer's meeting this Thursday, August 21st, during lunch in Ms. Loop's room.
If you took home your chrome book over the summer, please bring it to Mr. Kramer to check it by Friday or it will be shut off. There are still some students who have not gotten their chrome books. They are in the office.
Auditions for “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood” will be held next Thursday and Friday after school. If you would like to be involved and can't make it to auditions, talk to Miss Yeagle as soon as possible!
Yearbooks are in!! You can get them up before school from 8:00-8:20 or after school from 3:00-3:15 in Ms. Thacker’s room.
FFA night will be held on Tuesday, August 26th at 6pm in the Ag room. If you are interested in joining the Blue Ridge FFA, please come and see what it’s all about! Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring a dish to share with the group!
The first Student Council meeting for this year will be next Thursday, August 29th, during lunch in Ms. Loop's room. Current members and any other student who wishes to join Student Council should attend. Freshmen are cordially invited to join the group.
Any student who wishes to run for class officer...President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer...should see Ms. Loop by August 29th. Elections will be held the beginning of September. Officers will be responsible for Homecoming preparations and organizing class fundraisers.
The Library will be closed for the remainder of this week. It will be open on Monday for your reading enjoyment!
The Concession stand in the Commons during lunch for Ala Carte items on Monday!
Friday night is Fall Preview showcasing all fall sports starting at 6pm in the new gym with Volleyball, then outside to the football field for Band, Golf, Soccer, Cheer, and finish with Football. Please join us for free hot dogs after the preview.
Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Nuggets or McRib Sandwich, Whipped Potatoes, Green Beans, Side Salad, Juice and Milk
Please remember that our high school cafeteria is at Schneider. If you get hot lunch, please go over to Schneider and either come back to the commons to eat or eat at Schneider, it’s your choice.
Thank you and have a great day!