Blue Ridge High School
Daily Student Announcements
for Monday, November 20th
Attention all winter sports athletes … see Ms. Thacker to proof your grandparent photo. Also, if you didn't get your grandparent photo taken and you would like one, see Ms. Thacker by Monday the 27th in your uniform.
At the 10th annual Mike Hendricks Memorial class A scholastic bowl tourney on Saturday the varsity went 4-3 on the day. Congrats to AJ Johnson for being the 5th top scorer of the day. The varsity defeated Roanoke-Benson, North Mac, and Henry while losing close contests to Schlarman and Tri-Point to just miss placing. Leading the varsity knights in toss-ups was AJ Johnson with 34 followed by Indra Nolan with 17, Broden Soliday with 9 and Devin Wrestler and Addison Warsaw with 3 each. Leading our B team was Taylyn Watterson and Elias Nolan with 8 toss-ups each. It was great to see 5 former Blue Ridge scholastic bowl players come back and help with this tourney! Special shout out to our thespian troupe for providing a fantastic lunch.
Girls JV Basketball plays tonight at 5:30 at HOME and the Girls Varsity plays shortly after vs. Georgetown Ridge-Farm. Good luck Lady Knights!
Today’s lunch menu is: Sub Sandwich with Pasta Salad