
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Friday, March 1st         


School yearbooks are on sale now for $55 each  at


Seniors, please submit your senior slideshow pictures for graduation.

Ms. Thacker’s yearbook class needs 2 baby pictures, 2 senior pictures and 2 other pictures growing up next week.  You can bring them in to be scanned or email them to Ms. Thacker.


TODAY the Band will be selling their leftover product from basketball season in the commons during lunch.  They have reduced price water, pop, Gatorade and candy. 


There will be a Dungeons and Dragons club meeting for any students interested in checking out Dungeons and Dragons TONIGHT after school in Mr. Minteer's room from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. Come check it out to join in on the fun as we enter a new world!

Gondola Day is Thursday March 7th during lunch!  Sign up on the Counselor Google Classroom page by Tuesday, March 5th.  The cost is $5 each.  The Junior Class thanks you!

The Varsity Scholastic Bowl team has the Masonic State Tournament TOMORROW in Bloomington.  Bus time is 6:30am!  Good Luck Knights!


The art club meets this Thursday and next Wednesday after school in the art room for installation art for Fine Arts Expo.  The art club will also meet, Wednesday, March 6th after school in the art room.  And a reminder for all art students: Bring in your artwork for the Fine Arts Expo on/ or before March 5th.


 Today’s lunch menu is: Cheese Pizza