
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Monday, March 4th           


School yearbooks are on sale now for $55 each  at


Gondola Day is Thursday March 7th during lunch!  Sign up on the Counselor Google Classroom page by Tuesday, March 5th.  The cost is $5 each.  The Junior Class thanks you!

The art club meets next Wednesday, 3/6 after school in the art room for installation art for Fine Arts Expo.  And a reminder for all art students: Bring in your artwork for the Fine Arts Expo on/or before March 5th.


TODAY after school Blue Ridge is hosting the Varsity Scholastic Bowl Regional meet at 4:30pm vs Bismarck Henning Rossville Alvin.  Good Luck Knights!


Attention Spring sports participants, please sign up for 8 to 18.  Check with Nancy or your coach if you don’t know if you are signed up.


It was a great day for the varsity scholastic bowl team on Saturday as they placed 4th in the Masonic State Tourney on Saturday at Bloomington High School.  In the morning the Knights defeated Pecatonica, Morrison, and Woodlawn before losing to state champions Metro East Lutheran in pool play.  In the afternoon the Knights started off well against Goreville but eventually came up short then lost to Cumberland in the 3rd place match.  Leading the 62-28 knights in toss-ups as AJ Johnson with 20 followed by Indra Nolan with 6, Elias Nolan with 4 and Broden Soliday with 3.  Congratulations Knights!! 


 Today’s lunch menu is: Hot Dog on bun with Baked Chips