10/24 daily HS student announcements


for Thursday, October 24th


Attention all soccer players -- please return your uniforms to Mrs. Flannell this week and see her to sign a card of thanks for the 2019 ball boys.


All golfers, please bring back your golf bags to the office this week!


Blue Ridge FFA still has a few pumpkins for sale!  Get them while they are here! $3 for the small ones and $5 for the large ones.  

The north doors at the unit office are now closed for entry anytime during the day.  Please use the circle drive door or the Ag door to gain entry.

Enter the Library’s two-sentence horror story contest this week!  Submit then vote for your favorite next week and look for flyers posted around the school or see your librarians for more information!


There will be re-tryouts for the basketball cheer squad with open gym and instruction from 3:30-4:30 pm in the old gym TONIGHT after school.  Tryout’s will be held TONIGHT starting right after school.  See Coach Kristi with any questions.  


The October FFA Meeting is TONIGHT night with committee meetings at 6:30 and the FFA Chapter meeting at 7pm. Wear an FFA Shirt for the Trick or Treat for Hunger activity after the meeting.

School pictures retakes are TOMORROW!  If want to retake a previous picture, please bring your pictures you received back to the photographers.  If you were not here that day, you will be requested to take your pictures on Friday!


Thursday and Friday…that there will be a Student Council meeting after school on Friday. All members are needed at the meeting.

The Student Council is sponsoring a district wide Halloween party this Sunday from 5:00-7:30 at the high school.  High school students will compete in teams in a Scavenger Hunt before the Costume Contest, scheduled at 5:30. Candy prizes will be given for the winners of the scavenger hunt and costume categories. (Scariest, prettiest, best homemade costume, most original costume, and best couples costumes.)  The winner of the overall best costume (from all three schools) will receive a $20 gift card to Dollar General.   At 6:00 there will be a bonfire and wienie roast.  Students who register in advance will receive a hotdog, bag of chips, bottle of water, and ingredients to make one s’more.  After dinner, students may go on a non-scary hayride to the country and back.  Interested students need to turn in signed permission forms to Ms. Loop by Friday so that food can be purchased.  If students need permission forms, or if they have questions, they should see Ms. Loop.


There is a girls Basketball meeting in the new gym on MONDAY 10/28 at 5:30.  All girls wishing to play basketball please attend!


Key Club is sponsoring a Blood Drive November 15.  Sign up during lunch hour next week or see Mrs. Davis.

The Lady Knights Varsity and JV Volleyball teams discovered their winning ways again last night defeating Uni-High in straight sets.  The Varsity was led by Meah Carter's 4 kills followed by Mackenzie Drewes' 3 kills and 1.5 blocks and Gracie Shaffer's 17 assists and Nadia Beadle's and Jenna Mozingo's 9 digs each. Congratulations on a great game ladies!!  Regional begin next week here at Blue Ridge on Monday thru Thursday.  Our Lady Knights will play on Wednesday so come on out and support the Lady Knights!

Tonight the Volleyball team plays at Cerro Gordo with the Freshman starting at 5:00 followed by the Junior Varsity and then the Varsity. Go Knights!


After school detentions this week are with Mr. Sparks.  Lunch detentions TODAY are with Mrs. Lagle.

 Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Patty w/ Bun or Chicken tenders with Whipped Potatoes  


 Thank you and have a great day!