for Thursday, November 7th
The concession stand will not be open today.
Varsity Volleyball uniforms should be returned no later than Monday to Coach Miles. The following students still owe their JV volleyball uniforms. They are Sydney Rausch, and Alexis Wike’s libero uniform.
The Key Club Blood Drive is next Friday, November 15th! Signups are during noon Today!!
There will be a theatre meeting tomorrow (Friday) at lunch in Mrs. Friel’s room. If you participate in theatre or would like to participate in theatre please attend!!! Please check with Miss Yeagle if you can’t be there so you can find out all the important stuff you will be missing!!!!
Looking ahead- next week Parkland visiting on Wednesday the 13th
and Lincoln College visiting on Thursday the 14th. Western Illinois University will be here the following week on November 19th. Get your Passes from Mrs. Coy or Mrs. Whitehouse today!!
There will be a Student Council Meeting TODAY during lunch in Ms. Loop’s room. The topic for discussion is the Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 11th.
Boys Basketball Practice begins Monday!
Winter sports photos will be after school Nov. 14. The schedule is as follows
3:30 boys basketball
4:00 girls basketball
4:30 Basketball cheer
4:30 Quizbowl
4:40 Basketball cheer
The next FFA meeting is Wednesday, November 20th with committee meetings at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7. Bring a dish to share for our FFA Thanksgiving meal and get ready for our annual Turkey Bowling!
After school detentions this week is with Mrs. Jones in room 203. Lunch hour detentions on TODAY are with Mr. Seneca in room 116.
Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Leg w/dinner roll or cheesburgers
Thank you and have a great day!