
Blue Ridge High School

Daily Student Announcements

for Friday, May 17th                       


ALL Library books are past due!  If you haven’t turned them in, please return the books to the library or you’ll be charged for the book.


Class officer candidates are needed for next year. We will be having elections MONDAY. Who is willing to exercise some leadership? We need energetic students with great ideas who want to do great things!  If you are interested in being a class officer for next year, please sign up with Mrs. Hardesty in the office by the end of the school day on Friday. There is more information in your counseling google classroom, and you can ask Mrs. Hardesty questions.


Student Council voted their ’23-’25’ officers.  They are:  President  Joey Cole, Vice-President Devin Wrestler, Secretary Addison Browning,  Treasurer Renn Light and Reporters Taylyn Watterson and Karly Warner.  Congratulations to you all!


Don’t forget to order your school yearbooks!  They are on sale now for $55 each.  Go to  www.jostensyearbooks.com or bring a check made out to BRHS yearbook for $55.The last day to order yearbooks is TODAY!


Color Guard try-outs will be held this week on Wednesday May 15 from 4-5pm, ,May 17th from 4-5pm and May 20th from 4-6pm.  If you’d be interested, please let Ms. Meisner know!


Tryout practice for Football Cheer will be held next week - May 21, 22 and 23 from 4-6pm in the New Gym and tryouts will be held on Friday, May 24 at 9 am.


Heritage Days is looking for students to help with a variety of duties during the festival at the end of May.  If you’d like to help and get volunteer hours, please let the office know.


Spring sports awards night is May 21st at 6pm in the new gym.

The Class of 2024 will be graduating on Sunday, May 19th at 2pm in the new gym. Everyone is welcome to come to graduation.


Today’s lunch menu is:   Bosco Stick