Daily BRHS Student Announcements
for August 26th, 2024
Here are today’s daily high school announcements:
Seniors, if you signed up to paint a parking space, your drawings are due to Mr. Easter this Friday, August 30th!
We’re preparing for Homecoming week! If you would not like to be considered for a class attendant or for Senior Homecoming attendant, please email Mrs. Hardesty and we’ll take your name off the class list. Otherwise, your name will be on the list. Voting will be on September 6th.
There will be a Student Council meeting on Tuesday during lunch in the library. All Student Council members should be in attendance. If you’d like to join us and help plan Homecoming, please come to the meeting.
Auditions for Murder at the Art Show will be held this Wednesday in the high school library from 3:30-6:30. Come any time! Before practices, after practices, whatever works. If you cannot make it at some point during that time period, talk to Ms. Yeagle to make other arrangements. We are looking for actors, techies, and artists! Join us for an adventure-filled fall!
The Snack Shack is officially open in room 212. Students may use their passing periods to buy a snack from the life skills class. Please remember, if the door is closed, the Snack Shack is closed. All proceeds benefit the life skills program.
Juniors are selling mums to raise money for Post Prom this year. Juniors remember your order forms and money are due September 3rd to Mrs. Paullin.
Do you drive to school? If so, make sure the office has all of your vehicle information! Please stop in the office and update our records.
Attention Freshman, if you’d like to purchase a Jr. High yearbook they still have some available. They are $27 each and need paid for 1st. Let the high school office know if you wish to purchase one.
Today’s lunch menu is: Italian Sub Sandwich, Pasta Salad, Carrots with Ranch, Fruit & Slushie