Daily BRHS Student Announcements
for August 27th, 2024
Seniors, if you signed up to paint a parking space, your drawings are due to Mr. Easter this Friday, August 30th!
We’re preparing for Homecoming week! If you DO NOT wish to be considered for a class attendant (Freshman, Sophomore or Junior) or for Senior Homecoming King or Queen, please email Mrs. Hardesty and we’ll take your name off the class list. Otherwise, your name will be on the list for voting. Voting will be on September 6th and announced on September 9th.
If you want to purchase a hard case for your chrome book, please bring payment to the office then go the IT office to get them case.
There will be a Student Council meeting TODAY during lunch in the library. All Student Council members should be in attendance. If you’d like to join us and help plan Homecoming, please come to the meeting.
THRIVE will be having our first meeting THURSDAY in Mrs. Ramirez’s room (the art room)! Lunch will be provided. Anyone is welcome! Why just get through your day when you can THRIVE!
Auditions for Murder at the Art Show will be held this Wednesday in the high school library from 3:30-6:30. Come any time! Before practices, after practices, whatever works. If you cannot make it at some point during that time period, talk to Ms. Yeagle to make other arrangements. We are looking for actors, techies, and artists! Join us for an adventure-filled fall!
The Freshman class will be having a Homecoming fundraiser for class color t-shirts on Spirit day during Homecoming week! The t-shirts are $15 each and can be ordered during lunch all this week in the Commons. Please sign up. Checks can be made out to the Class of 2028.
The Snack Shack is officially open in room 212. Students may use their passing periods to buy a snack from the life skills class. Please remember, if the door is closed, the Snack Shack is closed. All proceeds benefit the life skills program.
Juniors are selling mums to raise money for Post Prom this year. Juniors remember your order forms and money are due September 3rd to Mrs. Paullin.
Do you drive to school? If so, make sure the office has all of your vehicle information! Please stop in the office and update our records.
Attention Freshman, if you’d like to purchase a Jr. High yearbook they still have some available. They are $27 each and need paid for 1st. Let the high school office know if you wish to purchase one.
Golf practice has been cancelled for today! The boys golf team placed second last night in a quad meet against Heyworth, Donovan, and Heritage. Leading our boys was Preston Jiles with a score of 49, followed by Mason Bradford with a score of 52 and Caden Kimball with a score of 53. Our girls golf team won against Heyworth and Donovan. Placing first overall was Lily Enger with a score of 43. Ellie Schlieper helped our team with a score of 56. Presley Hardesty and Payton Heiser contributed to the win with a score of 59 each. Way to go Knights on a very hot night!!! Thursday night is senior night! Come cheer on your Knights Golf team!
Today’s lunch menu is: Corn Dog with Sweet Potato Fries, Peas and fruit