Daily BRHS Student Announcements
for September 11th, 2024
If you are interested in Knight Buddies please see Ms. Clayton for the information that tells you all about it. Please help us help the Schneider students!
Art Club will meet TONIGHT after school in the Art room.
Homecoming week starts Sunday, September 15th with Hall of Fame winner Mrs. Trenkle receiving her award at 6pm and Coronation will be held shortly after that. After Coronation will be the HS Booster games at the school. Game sign-up sheets are in the office. You can sign up until Friday at the end of school.
The boys golf team played at home in a quad meet last night against Tri-Valley, Clinton, and Fisher. Leading our boys was Gavin Friel with a score of 44. Followed by Mason Bradford with a score of 48 and Preston Jiles with a score of 49.
Freshman golfer, Preston Jiles is up for athlete of the week in the News-Gazette. Please check your BRHS counseling page on google classroom to get the link to vote for him. Way to go Preston!
The boys and girls golf team plays away TODAY in LeRoy. Teachers, please dismiss the golf teams at 2:45.
The Blue Ridge soccer team won their home opener yesterday against Judah with a final score of 4-0. Scoring for the Knights was Nils Pfaff with assists from Josh Berkler, Ben Clevenger, Devin Wrestler, and Indra Nolan. Devin Wrestler had 4 saves. Great job, Knights Soccer team!
Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes and Roasted Broccoli and fruit