Daily BRHS Student Announcements
for September 12th, 2024
We need YOU to help us help the Schneider students and be a part of Knight Buddies! See Ms. Clayton or the office for all the details. Knight Buddies is a tradition here at the high school. It only takes a weekly visit to a matched Schneider student to make all the difference in their lives.
Homecoming court participants, please remember that Friday morning is court practice at 7:45am in the old gym.
Homecoming float building starts on Saturday. Please see your class President for the times and place. This year’s theme is “All around the World”.
Homecoming week starts this Sunday with Hall of Fame winner Mrs. Trenkle receiving her award at 6pm and Coronation will be held shortly after. After Coronation will be the high school Booster games at the school. Game sign-up sheets are in the office. You can sign up until Friday at the end of school.
Last night at LeRoy Country Club, our Lady Knight Golfers left with a win against LeRoy and Tuscola! Placing first overall and leading our girls to victory was Lily Enger with a score of 46. Helping with the win was Ellie Schlieper with a score of 54 and tying for third was Presley Hardesty and Payton Heiser with scores of 56. Way to go, Lady Knights! Leading our boys was Preston Jiles with a score of 53, followed by Mason Bradford and Drake Hardesty with scores of 54 and 57.
Today’s lunch menu is: Spaghetti with Garlic Bread, Broccoli and fruit