for Thursday, January 9th
Are you interested in playing soccer? Do you want to try indoor soccer this spring?
BRHS soccer is signing up a team for the indoor league at Soccer Planet in Urbana starting Feb 14th. Come join us and try out something new. Please see Mrs. Flannell to sign up or with any questions.
There is a Student Council Meeting at lunch TODAY in Ms. Loop’s room.
Attention Girls Golf members: please turn in your golf bag to the office by Friday or you will be charged for the bag!!
Auditions for “The Magical Land of Oz” will be held next Thursday and Friday, 1/16 and 1/17 in the library from 3:30-5:30. If you want to be involved but can’t attend, please talk to Miss Yeagle as soon as you are able. We need Actors, singers, stage crew, and director’s assistant, light & sound operators! No experience is needed or necessary!!!
The next FFA SAE night is January 16th at 6pm in the Ag Room. Parents and students are invited to attend to learn and work on SAEs.
The next Blue Ridge FFA Meeting is January 23rd with committees meeting at 6:30pm and the regular meeting at 7pm.
Friday, Brady Masengale will be signing a Letter of Intent to play football at St. Ambrose
College in Dubuque, Iowa. This will take place in the Commons at 3:45. Come on out and celebrate with Brady!
After school detentions are TONIGHT with Ms. Miller after school.
Lunch menu for today is: Chicken Nuggets or McRib Sandwich
Thank you and have a great day!