
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for September 13th, 2024


Voting is now available on Google Classroom for Homecoming King and Queen.  You can only vote 1 time and it is open until 3:00 today!  Winners will be announced on Sunday at Coronation at 6pm in the old gym.  We wish everyone good luck!


We need YOU to help us help the Schneider students and be a part of Knight Buddies!  See Ms. Clayton or the office for all the details.  Knight Buddies is a tradition here at the high school.  It only takes a weekly visit to a matched Schneider student to make all the difference in their lives.


Now that you have your student id’s, please use them in the cafeteria.  It makes getting thru the lunch line much easier.  A little trick is to take a picture of your ID and the lunch ladies can also scan that.


Homecoming float building starts on Saturday.  Please see your class President for the times and place.  This year’s theme is “All around the World”.


Homecoming week starts this Sunday with Coronation at 6pm. After Coronation will be the high school Booster games at the school.  Game sign-up sheets are in the office.  You can sign up until today at the end of school.


Do you have the yearn to learn?  Do you like competitive trivia in scholastic categories?  Do you like learning new facts and in a competitive, engaging team setting?    Does the thrill of the buzz keep you coming back? Do you want to be a part of a great tradition of scholarly excellence?  Well if you do then you won't want to miss our scholastic bowl interest meeting on Friday, October 4th during lunch in Mr. Scurlock's room.  


The away football game is tonight at Milford at 7pm.  Bus time is 4:30 for the players. Go Knights!


Today’s lunch menu is:  Cheese Pizza with Corn, veggies, fruit and juice