
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for September 16th, 2024


Everyone have a great week!


Congratulations to the 2024 Homecoming King and Queen Josh Berkler and Carsyn Stiger!  They were crowned last night at Coronation.


The class games kicked off last night with the Boosters in fine fashion!

Here is the class scoring totals so far:  Seniors with 6 points, Juniors with 7 points, Sophomores with 14 points and Freshman with 1 point.  Keep up the great work everyone!


All week this week at the end of lunch, we need all students in each class to gather in the new gym for a class count of those dressing up days for class participation points!

 Dress up days this week are:

Tuesday is Rhyme with no Reason 

Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday 

Thursday is Dress your age

ü  Freshman – Babies

ü  Sophomores – Toddlers

ü  Juniors – Middle Aged

ü  Seniors – Senior Citizen

ü  Teachers – Teenagers 

Friday is Spirit Day – Wear your class colors T-shirts

ü  Freshman – Blue

ü  Sophomores – White

ü  Juniors – Silver

ü  Seniors - Black 

There is a STEM Club meeting on Wednesday 9/18 at lunch in Mrs. Schriefer's room.


Be a part of Knight Buddies program!  See Ms. Clayton or the office for all the details.  Knight Buddies is a tradition here at the high school.  It only takes a weekly visit to a matched Schneider student to make all the difference in their lives.


Now that you have your student id’s, please use them in the cafeteria.  It makes getting through the lunch line much easier.  A little trick is to take a picture of your ID and the lunch ladies can also scan that.

Today’s lunch menu is:  Hot Dog with bun, Baked Chops, Side Salad and fruit