
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for November 8th      

 This is Thankful November.  The Student Council is happy to announce “What and Who are you thankful for” display.  Look on the commons bulletin board and tell us what you are thankful for?  It can be anyone in school, a teacher or someone that has made a difference in your life.  Thanks to the Art class for making the banner!  Happy Thankful November!

The BACC application for next year opened at 6:00 AM TODAY.  Apply early if you are interested in a particular program!  More information is in your counseling google classroom.


The HS student council is holding the annual Veterans Day program on Monday, November 11th at 2:20 in the afternoon in the new gym.  We’ll have a 2:20 class schedule that day.    


Wednesday, November 13th is the fall sports awards night at 6pm and November 14th is winter sport picture date after school.


District picture retake day will be on Friday, November 15th.


Today’s lunch menu is: Cheese Pizza with salad and fruit

Thank you and have a great Friday!