
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for December 5th   


Good morning Knights!

Attention soccer players...Please return your soccer uniforms to Mrs. Flannell ASAP.  They are way past due!  Also Golfers and Volleyball players, please turn in your uniforms and bags to your coaches.

There is a softball informational meeting at lunch on Friday in the new gym for any girl wanting to play softball.

The Student Council is sponsoring hallway holiday decorations this week!

Winners will be announced on Friday, 12/6.

 Next week will be Holiday dress up days!

Monday 12/9   Red vs. Green

Tuesday 12/10   Holiday Hair –Don’t care  wear a festive hat or hair accessory

Wednesday 12/11 Anything and Everything Santa – Santa Theme Day

Thursday 12/12 Sweater Weather:  Ugly Sweater day

Friday 12/13 Have a Merry day – Christmas PJ day


Where’s the BEEF? ….  Come to the office or see any FFA member for beef raffle tickets!  The 1st drawing is Monday, December 9th!

This week through Wednesday, December 18th the Blue Ridge FFA Chapter is holding a food drive as a competition between the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The class that collects the most canned goods will receive a reward in January. Each class will have a drop-off location as follows:

Freshmen: Mr. Minteer’s room

Sophomores: Mr. Scurlock and Mrs. Jones

Juniors: Mrs. Jones and Ms. Schwarzentraub

Seniors: Mrs. Lacy

Tonight is a boys Basketball game away vs Ridgeview starting with JV at 5:30pm and varsity shortly after.  Bus time is at 4:10.  Good Luck Knights!

On Saturday the JV boys Basketball team plays at Cerro Gordo.  Bus time is at 8:30am.

Good Luck Knights!