for Tuesday, February 18th
HS Spring sports meeting is rescheduled for Monday, February 24th at 6pm.
Reminder for football players - Morning meetings are held at 8am DAILY through the end of FEBRUARY to bring players up to speed with changes in the program. Meetings only last 10 minutes. Be there so you are not left behind.
Book Club will meet in the library this Thursday during lunch.
The International Club will have a meeting on Thursday during lunch in Ms. Loop’s room.
Bass fishing meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 20th at 12:30 in the new gym.
The next blood drive will be on Thursday, March 5. Key Club sign up during lunch this week to donate.
Freshman Orientation will be Wednesday, Feb. 19th with a parent meeting will then be held in the evening at 6pm in the Commons.
Local Scholarship packets are available for BRHS seniors! All local scholarships are due by April 1st. Packets can be picked up in English classrooms, the Counseling office or the main office.
Have you submitted a picture of your pet yet? Key Club is having a Pet Contest that ends on Thursday! Bring in a picture of your pet as soon as possible to Mrs. Davis’s room to win $10 to the Snack Shack! Help us bring awareness to animals in need! Voting is free and will take place during lunch.
FFA Week will be the last week of February and we will begin the week with a 2:20 Schedule with an ALL School Assembly after 2:20 in the New Gym.
Blue Ridge Key Club and Kiwanis Club of Farmer City are holding a Chili Supper at the basketball game this Friday, Feb. 21, from 5:30-7 p.m. in the BRHS Commons Area. Chili with all the fixings, brownies, and ice tea for $5. Proceeds go to service projects in the community. Come on out and support a good cause!
At the 10 team Masonic Sectional on Saturday the Varsity Scholastic Bowl team went 3-2 defeating Mt. Pulaski 230-220 in OT, Tri-City 300-130 and Argenta-Oreana 240-180 while losing too LSA and Sangamon Valley to improve their overall record to 34-15. The Knights were led in toss-ups by Nadia Beadle with 11 followed by Sami Boogren with 10, Abby Johnson with 9, Josephine Aldrich with 4 and Mitchell Houser, Aiden Soliday and Hutch Partlow with 2 each. The Knights V/JV Scholastic Bowl teams are back in action tonight at Heritage with the bus leaving at 3:30pm. Go Knights!
The Knight to Remember Talent show and dinner is back on Friday, February 28th here at the school. Stay tunes for more details! You may purchase your tickets from any band member!
TONIGHT the Boys Basketball team plays the Decatur Lutheran Association at HOME with the
Junior Varsity beginning at 6:00 and the Varsity shortly after. It’s SENIOR NIGHT so come on out and see an awesome basketball game! Go Knights!
Thanks to everyone who came to the Venus vs. Mars dance on Saturday night! Mr. Mars was won by Elise Swanstrom and Mrs. Venus was won by Kristin Davis. Thank you to the Student Council for decorating and putting the dance on!
HS Spring sports meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, February 24th at 6pm.
After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Jones and Lunch detentions are with Mrs. Wieber on Tuesday and Mr. Sparks on Thursday.
Lunch menu for today is: Nacho’s meat/cheese or chili cheese fries
Thank you and have a great day!