
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for January 15th   


Good morning!

Attention Juniors:  please check your BRHS Counseling google classroom! Mrs. Paullin sent out a one question survey about a one-night fundraiser opportunity for prom. Please take a moment to complete the survey.

Seniors: please email your senior graduation pictures for the graduation slideshow to Mrs. Schriefer as soon as possible.  The yearbook committee will need 2 pictures of your baby years, 2 middle/teen years and 2 senior pictures. The email address is: lschriefer@blueridge18.org

Thursday, Thrive will be meeting during lunch in Mrs. Ramirez's art room. Come join us for good food and good conversation!

The lunch menu for today is Chicken ‘N Noodles with Mashed Potatoes