for Tuesday, March 3rd
NHS members, please remember to meet after school TODAY from 3:15-3:30 in the library.
National Honor Society will have its Induction Ceremony tonight beginning at 7:00 in the
There will be mandatory scholastic bowl practices during lunch in the chem lab TODAY and Thursday.
Winter Sports Awards Night will be Wednesday night beginning at 6:00 in the Old Gym.
Attention all cheerleaders: end of season meeting will be TODAY during lunch in the district conference room. You will also need to turn in your CLEAN uniforms and poms. Pizza will be served, please bring $3/each.
Representatives from Bradley University in Peoria will be coming to visit TODAY during 6th hour to talk about their college programs and campus, please see Mrs. Whitehouse for a pass if you would like to attend.
The next blood drive will be on Thursday, March 5th. See Mrs. Davis to sign up!
FFA Officer applications are due in the Ag Room Friday! Any FFA member interested in running for office, please turn in their application to Ms. Meisner.
Key Club will have a meeting during lunch this Friday, March 6th.
Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser is this Saturday from 8-10 am at the North Prospect location in Champaign. Please see any Junior or Mrs. Lagle to get your ticket for only $5. Please help support this year’s Prom and Post Prom.
Attention SENIORS: Troy Hall with Jostens will be here to deliver your 2020 Graduation Order on
FRIDAY, MARCH 12TH BEFORE SCHOOL. Please see your invoice for all payment options on or before delivery date. Any senior that still needs to turn in their cap and gown order, you may do so at this time. Any student may place an order for a class ring that day as well.
Seniors: please turn in your Senior quotes by Friday to Ms. Thacker.
Local Scholarship packets are available for BRHS seniors! All local scholarships are due by April 1st. Packets can be picked up in English classrooms, the Counseling office or the main office.
Attention Seniors: Yearbook will need 2 baby pics, 2 other pics of you growing up and 2 senior photos by April 1. If you can't get your senior pics by then, we still need the others. Last day to accept senior photos will be May 1.
After school detentions this week are with Mr. Sawyer. Today’s lunch detentions are with Mr. Minteer.
Lunch menu for today is: Soft Taco or Cheesy Bread