
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for February 21st     

Good morning!  Today is the final day of FFA week!  We hope you’ve had fun and learned what the Ag and FFA do.    TODAY’s dress day is Blue and Gold, the colors of the FFA organization.  Thank you all for participating this week!  The “Drive your tractor to school” day will be held in early March due to the weather.

There will be a Prom Committee meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Schriefer's room.

Seniors: please email your senior graduation pictures for the graduation slideshow to Mrs. Schriefer as soon as possible.  The yearbook committee will need 2 pictures of your baby years, 2 middle/teen years and 2 senior pictures. The email address is: lschriefer@blueridge18.org

Each day we will do a Trivia Question- email blueridgeffa@blueridge18.org with the correct answer. First one to email wins!  Yesterday’s question was:  What was the award Blue Ridge FFA won this year or within the past year?   The answer:   IL and Region 4 Outstanding Ag Program and Carsyn Stiger was the winner!

Today’s Trivia question is:   Name all of the Blue Ridge FFA Officers and their station. Extra points if you can name which one is the Section 16 President.  The answer will be on Monday.

Today will be the FFA Barnyard in the ag shop.  Teachers please check the barnyard schedule to get signed up if you’d like to bring students down.  If you emailed MS. Meiser but don’t see your name – send her an email to remind her.


Rules for today- If you are coming down to the barnyard during a study hall or lunch and not with a class you have to have a ticket from the College and Career Fair. Only students who brought the animals are allowed in the pens and to hold the animals. Be respectful of our elementary friends as you come down to the barnyard.

Wednesday night 12 High School and 2 8th grade FFA members competed in the Section 16 Proficiency Interviews. These interviews are based on the record books students keep in Ag. Students competing were Mercedes Manuel in Food Service Placement, Carmen Ellis in Specialty Crop Production, Kaydance Wooton in Outdoor Recreation, Gavin Friel in Forage Production, Tyler Holtz in Diversified Crop Placement and Grain Production, Shawn Christie in Diversified Ag, Presley Hardesty in Ag Education, Ava Paullin in Wildlife Management, Drake Hardesty in Turf grass Management, Addie Browning in Ag Processing, Ava Franzen in Vegetable Production, and Josh Berkler in Health and Science. 4 High Schoolers will be advancing to the District event in March including Tyler Holtz, Presley Hardesty, Ava Paullin, and Kaydance Wooton. We wish them luck next month!

Congratulations to our students of the month Junior Caden Mayfield and Senior Ellie Schlieper and to our staff member of the month Ms. Hansen.

The Athletes of the month are Mya Laidley for girls basketball, Corbin Colbert for boys basketball, Jessie Ash for Cheerleading and Ollie Yeagle for Scholastic Bowl.  Congratulations to you all!

Last night the varsity and jv scholastic bowl hosted a quad vs. 2A Decatur Eisenhower and Clinton along with Tri-Point.  Eisenhower bested the varsity in the first two matches while the second match vs. Clinton was well played.  The Knights rallied and defeated Tri-Point scoring a season high 10 toss-ups in a row pushing their overall record to 40-20.  The JV remained scorching hot sweeping all three opponents in the evening to push their record to 21-4.  Leading the varsity in a balanced scoring attack was Indra Nolan with 8, Broden Soliday with 7, Ivy Whitehouse and Elias Nolan with 6 each.  Leading the JV in an impressive scoring fashion was Cooper Rausch with 14 toss-ups followed by Ollie Yeagle with 13.  Go Knights! 

Senior Lilly Enger will be having her college signing day next Wednesday, February 26th at 4pm in the commons.  She’s going to play Golf for Millikin in Decatur and continue her education.  Everyone is invited to attend and wish her good luck!

There is a STEM CLUB meeting on Wednesday, February 26th during lunch in Mr. Scurlock’s room.

Today’s lunch menu is: Bosco Stick and soup