
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for March 13th        


Good morning! 

Seniors: please email your senior graduation pictures for the graduation slideshow to Mrs. Schriefer as soon as possible.  The yearbook committee will need 2 pictures of your baby years, 2 middle/teen years and 2 senior pictures. The email address is: lschriefer@blueridge18.org

The library is having a used book sale in this week though TODAY.  The price is $1 per book.  There are so many books to choose from!  Come down during your study hall or any time with your teacher's permission.  

Student Council will be meeting next week on Tuesday, March 18th during lunch in the library. 

Congratulations to Senior Kaylyn Eliason on her induction into the BACC Technical Honor Society!

The City of Farmer City will be offering a lifeguard class at the Clinton YMCA March 21st to the 23rd.  You must be a strong swimmer and at least 15 years of age.  If interested, please come to the office for additional information.

Congratulations to all following winners of the Fine Arts Expo:

Art 1

1st place Caleb Buskirk with Godzilla and the Great Wave

2nd place  James Sullivan with The Blue Lobster

3rd place Cooper Rausch The Iconic Green Boot

Honorable Mention:  James Sullivan with Flat iron building and Presley Whisman with Hot Chocolate

Art 2

1st place Kaleb Forrest with Card Box

2nd place Caden Mayfield with He’s Free Now

3rd place Broghen Flannell with Pright Bink

Honorable Mention Renn Light with Slip of Paper & Small stone and Andy Schumacher with Chalk Pastel

Art 3

1st Place Shelby Whisman with Shelby

2nd place Ivy Whitehouse with Infected

3rd place Jasmine Petmecky with Bahlune

Honorable Mention:  AJ Brown with Chaos of what I know and Shelby Whisman with Roses


1st Place  Kaleb Forrest with Flaming Petals

2nd place Alyssiana Malsberry with A Scarecrow and it’s Scythe

3rd place Crystal Chambers with Into the Wild

Honorable Mention:  Kaleb Forrest with 250 pages I Won’t Read and Ivy Whitehouse with Beauty in Bugs


Art Appreciation

1st place  Payton Heiser with Flowers

2nd place Maddison Grider with Tom by Older

3rd place  Dylan Pritchett with Yarn

Honorable Mention:  Maddison Grider with Bowl #2 and Clayton Evans Ceramic Bowl


Industrial Arts

1st place  Austin Clark

2nd place  Cede Manuel with Bench

3rd place  Broghen Flannell with Hexagon

Honorable Mention:  Jasper Schlieper with Scoop


Chemistry and History

1st place Jasmine Petmecky with LaBelle Rebell

2nd place Apollo, Taylyn, Jaxon, Carsyn, Alissa with Wind Turbines

3rd place Ellie Schlieper, Cede Manual with Fallout Bunker

Honorable Mention:  Silas Patrick with Catapult



1st place Shelby Whisman with Messenger Bag

2nd place Shelby Whisman  Coconut Pouch

3rd  place Karly Warner with Messenger Bag

Honorable Mention:  Andy Schumacher with Messenger Bag

Senior Studio Tables

1st place  Rachel Light

2nd place  Marcene Salmi

3rd place  Jasmine Brown

Honorable Mention  Clayton Evans

Peoples Choice  Jasmine Brown with Beauty in Death

Student’s Choice  Wesley Clark with Bob Ross Painting

 Best in Show  Rachel Light with Lady McBeth