
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for Thursday, March 20th        

Good Morning!

Seniors: please email your senior graduation pictures for the graduation slideshow to Mrs. Schriefer as soon as possible.  The yearbook committee will need 2 pictures of your baby years, 2 middle/teen years and 2 senior pictures!


Juniors and Seniors, if you do not wish to be nominated for Prom court, please let Mrs. Schriefer know this week!

Drive Your Tractor to School day is THIS Friday March 21st. Those interested must have a permission form submitted by 3:00 on Thursday. If you are not an Ag Student, there is an entry fee of $10. See Ms. Meisner for any questions.  Permission forms are in the office.

 Attention students:  You have a brief career survey in their counseling google classroom to complete. Several students finished it in last Wednesday's advisory, but many still need to finish it. Please see Ms. Hieronymus if you have questions about the career survey.  

The Clinton YMCA would like to remind current lifeguards needing recertification that they will be out of compliance if they don’t get the R.24 update, EVEN IF you hold a current certification. There is only a 30 day grace period and recertification classes are limited. Please reach out to city hall for the required paperwork.  If you are a lifeguard that is current, the Clinton YMCA will be holding in-services in April and May that you can attend to refresh skills.  Please reach out to Clinton YMCA directly to sign up.


Last night the FFA Chapter held elections for the 2025-2026 team. Congratulations to the incoming FFA Officer team:

President- Carmen Ellis

Vice President- Presley Hardesty

Reporter- Kelly Weiss

Secretary- Drake Hardesty

Treasurer- Tyler Holtz

Sentinel- Ava Paullin

Historian- Ava Franzen

They will be officially installed at the FFA Banquet in April. Congratulations!


Lunch today is Breaded Chicken Patty Sandwich

Thank you and have a great day!