
Daily BRHS Student Announcements

for Friday, March 21st         

Good Morning!

Seniors: please email your senior graduation pictures for the graduation slideshow to Mrs. Schriefer by May 1st. 

Attention Seniors, if you do not wish to be nominated for Prom court, please let Mrs. Schriefer know TODAY!

Prom guest forms are in the office starting TODAY.  Prom is May 3rd.  Guest forms are due back by April 11th and Prom ticket sales will begin on Monday, April 14th during thru April 30th during lunch.  No tickets will be sold at the door, so purchase them at lunch.


The Clinton YMCA would like to remind current lifeguards needing recertification that they will be out of compliance if they don’t get the R.24 update, EVEN IF you hold a current certification. There is only a 30 day grace period and recertification classes are limited. Please reach out to city hall for the required paperwork.  If you are a lifeguard that is current, the Clinton YMCA will be holding in-services in April and May that you can attend to refresh skills.  Please reach out to Clinton YMCA directly to sign up.


Lunch today is Bosco Stick

Next week is Spring Break!  We’ll see you back on Monday, March 31st!

Have a great week everyone.