for Thursday, September 10th
Good morning Blue Ridge! It’s now time for your daily announcements:
There will be a meeting after school tomorrow, from 3:00-4:30, for everyone involved in the fall play. You will receive your scripts for Mirror, Mirror - a most excellent fractured fairytale adventure. We will also discuss many things about the fall season. If you cannot attend or if you want to be involved but did not come to auditions please talk to Miss Yeagle today!
Golf pictures for boys and girls teams will be Sept. 15 at 3:30 at the Woodlawn Country Club.
Golf Grandparents night will be 9/17 and Senior Golf night will be 9/28 both at Woodlawn.
If anyone is interested in Scholastic Bowl, there will be a meeting during lunch in Mr. Scurlock's Chemistry room on Tuesday 9-22 and Thursday 9-24.
If you are interested in discussing your faith and building community, you might be interested in joining FCA – Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The first meeting will be on Thursday September 17th during lunch in room 207. Talk to Mr. Minteer or Mrs. Ringel.
BRHS Student Council is putting together a video documentary of BR community veterans for our Veterans' Day celebration this year. Please let us know of current active service members, or retired veterans, that are willing to take part in our video of recognition. Thank you. Contact: cloop@blueridge18.org
The following students still need to pick up their yearbooks in room 214:
Caleb Hirschman
Anna Place
Sydney Rausch
Kaleb Southern
Kenyon Wagner
Matthew Zander
Chase Hasler
Avery Place
Victor Reynolds
The next FFA Meeting is Wednesday September 23rd. Committees are meeting at 6:30 and the Chapter Meeting is at 7pm in the Old Gym (Moore Gym). Masks are mandatory and social distancing will be followed.
Attention all potential athletes: please come to the office to pick up athletic packets for your sport for the remainder of the year.
Lunch menu for TODAY is: Lasagna roll with Garlic Stick or Alternative lunch a Turkey Sandwich
Breakfast for Friday is: Biscuits & Gravy
Lunch menu for Friday is Cheese Pizza or Alternative lunch a Turkey Sandwich
Thank you and have a great day!