10/2 daily HS student announcements



for Friday, October 2nd

Attention Seniors! Please check your school email and respond to a recent email from Mrs. Coy. We need your reply of your size for your FREE Senior sweatshirt. You have until Wednesday Oct. 7 to get this completed. Don’t miss out! 

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) will meet TODAY during lunch. We will have virtual and in-person meetings so everyone can be involved. Talk to Mr. Minteer in room 207 or Mrs. Ringel in room 212 for more details. Anyone is welcome! 

Golf pictures will be Monday at 3:30 at Woodlawn Country Club for both Girls and Boys Golf teams.

Monday there will be two virtual college visits for Seniors.  Illinois Wesleyan will have a meeting at 10:45 am and Illinois College will have a meeting at 1:15.  To log on for these meetings, you can find the link in the Counseling google classroom.  If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Coy.

Seniors- FASFA opened on October 1st, it is time to get that filled out and submitted to help fund your future college and career plans. The sooner you get it turned in, the better your chances of receiving more financial aid. 

Any FFA Member interested in the Virtual Trivia Night and the Section Kahoot night needs to reach out to Ms. Meisner or a chapter officer. 

Blue Ridge FFA T-Shirts are for sale and are $10 for short sleeve and $15 for long sleeve money and orders are due Friday, October 16th. You can order yours through any FFA Member or Ms. Meisner.

Through next Friday starting at 3:30 we need FFA members and any interested High School member wanting Community Service Hours to help with setting up the Trick-or-Treat for Hunger Food Drive in the Ag room. See Ms. Meisner or any FFA Officer for any questions.

The next FFA meeting is October 21st- tentatively Committees will meet at 6:30 and the Chapter meeting at 7 pm. We will be picking up the items for the Food Drive and more information will be coming out next week. 

BRHS Student Council is putting together a video documentary of BR community veterans for our Veterans' Day celebration this year. Please let us know of current active service members, or retired veterans, that are willing to take part in our video of recognition. Contact: cloop@blueridge18.org

The following Student Council members need to pay Mrs. Ringel $15 for their Student Council T- shirts.  Dylan Coffey, Lexi Young, Ashlyn Voyles, Cassie Zimmerman & Ty Meeker                    

Once paid, you may retrieve the shirts from Ms. Loop. 

Attention all potential athletes:  please come to the office to pick up athletic packets for your sport for the remainder of the year.

The Boys Golf team battled with Judah Christian and Fisher yesterday, in what may be the closest match anywhere this season. Fisher won the meet with a 212 total, with Blue Ridge at 213, and Judah at 214. The boys return to action on Tuesday at their regional at Danville Country Club beginning at 9am .  Scoring for Blue Ridge were Wyatt Summers with a 52, Dylan Kelley 51, Riley Pruitt 55 and Tray Hardesty 55 with a team total of 213 for 2nd place. Way to go Knights!  

In Girls Golf at a cold and windy Monticello Country Club course, Ashlyn Voyles led the Lady Knights with a 50.  The girls are resting up and fine tuning their games for next week's regional at Watseka on Wednesday.  Go Lady Knights!

The lunch menu for today is Corn Dog with Tiny Triangles

Thank you and have a great weekend!