for Thursday, October 8th
Any FFA Member interested in the Virtual Trivia Night and the Section Kahoot night needs to reach out to Ms. Meisner or a chapter officer.
Blue Ridge FFA T-Shirts are for sale and are $10 for short sleeve and $15 for long sleeve money and orders are due Friday, October 16th. You can order yours through any FFA Member or Ms. Meisner.
On Tuesday, Oct. 13th, flu shots will be available to any high school student or staff member at 10:30am in the office. The paperwork is available in the office prior to the 13th.
Through Friday starting at 3:30 we need FFA members and any interested High School member wanting Community Service Hours to help with setting up the Trick-or-Treat for Hunger Food Drive in the Ag room. See Ms. Meisner or any FFA Officer for any questions.
The next FFA meeting is October 21st- tentatively Committees will meet at 6:30 and the Chapter meeting at 7 pm. We will be picking up the items for the Food Drive and more information will be coming out next week.
Attention athletes: please come to the office to pick up athletic packets for the remainder of the year. If you are planning on playing a sport this year, the athletic trainer will be available Tuesday’s and Thursday’s to take concussion testing in the old gym from 2;20 – 2:45 or see him for more directions on how to take the test on your own time. The test needs completed by the time you start practicing. You will not be allowed to practice if the concussion test is not completed.
Congratulations to Kallee Steinkamp who was name the Student of the Month for August and September!
The Lunch menu for today is Lasagna Roll with a Garlic Stick.
REMINDER: there is no school on Friday 10/9, due to a Teacher’s Institute day or on Monday, 10/12 due to Columbus Day.
Thank you and have a great day!