for Wednesday, January 13th
FFA Committees will be meeting TODAY during lunch in the Ag Room.
Students, please remember, if you have 4th hour Study Hall with Ms. Meisner, please report to her Ag room. If you have 7th hour Study Hall with Mrs. Wieber your classroom is meeting in the Old Gym.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting during lunch on Friday in Mr. Minteer's room. Anyone is welcome to come. We hope to see you there!
Seniors, please remember to pay your fees and fines listed on the Commons bulletin board. Those fees will be due before you graduate.
The next FFA Meeting is on January 20th with the committee meetings at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7 pm in the new gym at the high school. Masks are required along with all social distance requirements. We will be playing a live-action, socially distant, version of Jumanji!
Congrats to the Varsity Scholastic Bowl team for defeating Deland-Weldon 320-100 and 290-100 last night to improve their overall record to 11-4. Leading the Knights in tossups was Sami Boogren with 11 followed by Hutch Partlow with 5, Abby Johnson with 3, Aiden Soliday and Annabell Johnson with 2 each and Conner Otto with 1. Way to go Knights!
Just a reminder -- there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, 1/18 to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday.
TODAY’s lunch menu Chicken Nuggets or alternative lunch of Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich