


for Tuesday, March 2nd         


FFA Strawberries will be here on Thursday and will be ready to pick up at 2:30 pm in the Ag room.

Friday’s FFA Trivia questions and answers were … 

  •  What is the largest breed of beef cattle?  A"  Chianina
  •  What are the FFA Colors?  A:  National Blue and Corn Gold

Congratulations to Kolby Kramer on getting the largest beef breed question correct and Sami Whitehouse for getting the FFA Colors correct. 

 Dylan Kelly won the FFA Week drawing! You can pick your prize up in the Ag Room.  Thank you everyone for playing FFA Trivia last week!


There will be a short Student Council meeting in Ms. Loop’s room at 2:25 this Thursday to discuss Saturday’s workshops.  All Student Council members are welcome to attend.


Dewey’s Drive-In has applications for employment in the office.  Dewey’s opens April 1st!


An updated Chamber of Commerce scholarship application is available in the library. Please stop by to grab one. All scholarship applications and materials are due back March 31st.


March is Fine Arts Month.   There will be displays during one of the weeks in the hallways and performances will be virtual.  


Seniors, FASFA is a graduation requirement this year. You will need to return a waiver to show you have completed your FASFA application, or a non-participation form to exempt you. One of these waivers is due back in order to receive your diploma. Please check the counseling google classroom or see Mrs. Coy for a waiver packet.


Ms. Miller's Biology classes are holding a March Mammal Madness competition! Starting Feb 25th, stop by Ms. Miller's classroom for a tournament bracket and more information! The top three bracket predictions will win a prize. Anyone (including staff) may participate and try for the prize.


Help support the high school scholastic bowl team by purchasing a $10 subway card.  You can purchase them of any player or coach Miles.


The yearbook class will need 2 senior pics, 2 baby pics and 2 other pictures of you growing up by Apr. 1st.  You can send these digitally to or bring them to the school to be scanned! 


Seniors - Local scholarship packets are now available in the Library!  Packets are for any Senior interested in applying. 

After school TODAY is team sports pictures.  Please get with your coach for the picture forms or we have some in the office.  Payment is due at the time of the pictures.

Times are:  2:20 Scholastic Bowl      2:30 Girls Basketball    3:00 Boys Basketball    and 3:30 Basketball cheer


The Blue Ridge FFA is hosting their 1st Annual Barnyard Stampede Virtual 5k. See posters March 19th-28th. $25 for Blue Ridge Students and Employees and FFA Alumni, $30 for other participants. Sign up and pay with any FFA Member or by the QR code on the posters by this FRIDAY to receive a medal and shirt. 


For those interested in volleyball, please see Coach Miles as the first practice starts next Monday, March 8th.  

Today’s lunch menu is Soft Taco or alternative lunch of a Chef Salad