for Wednesday, March 17th
Dewey’s Drive-In has applications for summer employment in the office.
We are in need of someone to video the girls Volleyball games starting this week. Please see Mr. Kramer or the office if you are interested.
If you are interested in helping the Farmer City Raceway all summer in the food building, please see the office for more information.
There will be a football cheer meeting TODAY at 2:30 in the old gym. Please bring any fees owed for bows, bodysuits, t-shirts and sweatshirts to this meeting.
Attention basketball cheerleaders, if you have not turned in your basketball cheer uniform, you must do so by Wednesday afternoon!
An updated Chamber of Commerce scholarship application is available in the library. Please stop by to grab one. All scholarship applications and materials are due back March 31st.
Seniors, FASFA is a graduation requirement this year. You will need to return a waiver to show you have completed your FASFA application, or a non-participation form to exempt you. One of these waivers is due back in order to receive your diploma. Please check the counseling google classroom or see Mrs. Coy for a waiver packet.
Help support the high school scholastic bowl team by purchasing a $10 subway card. You can purchase them of any team member or coach Miles.
The Farmer City pool will be hiring lifeguards, cashiers and concession workers for the summer. If you are interested in being a lifeguard you will need to contact The Replex in LeRoy or any YMCA to get the Red Cross certification. Classes are sometimes offered over Spring Break, so check that out soon. Cashiers and concession workers do not need to be certified. Anyone interested should pick up an application in the high school office.
The yearbook class will need 2 senior pics, 2 baby pics and 2 other pictures of you growing up by Apr. 1st. You can send these digitally to or bring them to the school to be scanned!
Seniors - Local scholarship packets are now available in the Library! Packets are for any Senior interested in applying.
Volleyball, Football, Football cheer, and Soccer pictures will be Monday, April 5th after school due to a scheduling change. The schedule is as follows
2:30: Volleyball; new gym
3:00 Football; at football field
3:30 Football cheer: at football field
4:00 Soccer: at practice field behind the school
Last night the BRHS soccer team competed at home against Judah Christian High School. Scoring for the Knights: Austin Hobbs with an assist from Victor Reynolds, Hank Mitchell with an assist from Victor Reynolds, and Victor Reynolds with an assist from Anthony Thompson. Abby Bolen had 7 saves. The game ended in a tie, 3-3. The Knights are back in action Thursday at Argenta-Oreana. Good Luck Knights!
After school detentions are with Mr. Sawyer this week until 3pm.
Lunch detentions this week are in the office.
Today’s lunch menu is Orange Chicken & Rice or alternative lunch of a Bagel & Cream Cheese