


for Thursday, April 1st           


Attention Student Council:  there will be a Student Council meeting TODAY from 2:25-3:00.


FCA will be meeting TODAY in Mr. Minteer's room. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Seniors, FASFA is a graduation requirement this year. You will need to return a waiver to show you have completed your FASFA application, or a non-participation form to exempt you. One of these waivers is due soon in order to receive your diploma. Please check the counseling google classroom or see Mrs. Raines in the library for a waiver packet.


The yearbook class will need 2 senior pics, 2 baby pics and 2 other pictures of you growing up by TOMORROW.  You can send these digitally to or bring them to the school to be scanned!   If you are unable to get senior pics done, see Ms. T and we can do them after school sometime!

Volleyball, Football, Football cheer, and Soccer pictures will be Monday, April 5th after school due to a scheduling change.  The schedule is as follows

2:30: Volleyball; new gym

3:00 Football; at football field

3:30 Football cheer: at football field

4:00 Soccer: at practice field behind the school

Your coaches should have the picture forms.  Please turn them into the photographer on Monday.


Have you lost a necklace?  Come to the office to claim!


Baseball practice will begin Monday, April 5th after school from 3:30-5:00 at the field at South Park.


Last night at the FFA Meeting the 2021-2022 FFA Officers were elected.

Congratulations to the following individuals:

President- Kaleb Southern

Vice President- Anna Place

Reporter- Gracie Shaffer

Secretary- Morgan Drozs

Treasurer- Hank Mitchell

Sentinel- Sydney Rausch

Historian- Brenna Friel


There are Golf summer practice schedules in the office for those of you interested in fall golf.


There will be no school on Friday, April 2nd.  School resumes on Monday, April 5th.


Today’s lunch menu is: Spaghetti and an alternative lunch of Chef Salad