for Wednesday, April 7th
Attention Soccer team: Please meet in room 201 immediately at 2:20 for a quick meeting.
Seniors, FASFA is a graduation requirement this year. You will need to return a waiver to show you have completed your FASFA application, or a non-participation form to exempt you. One of these waivers is due soon in order to receive your diploma. Please check the counseling google classroom or see Mrs. Raines in the library for a waiver packet.
We have a new Club at the high school! The inaugural meeting of the STEM Club will be meeting on Thursday, April 8th during lunch! Bring your lunch and come to Ms. Miller’s room and learn all about it!
For any boys interested in Track for this year, please see Mr. Kramer as soon as possible to be added to the roster. There will be a brief meeting for boys track on Friday, April 9th at 2:25 in the Commons.
Seniors: if you haven’t turned in your senior pictures yet for the graduation slideshow, they are due NOW! If you are unable to get senior pics done, see Ms. Thacker and she can do them after school.
Please turn in your vaccination forms to the office by THIS FRIDAY, April 9th, if you are interested in getting your Covid-19 shot! Anyone age 16 and over can get their vaccination!
Remember to return or renew your library books. Fines will be assessed starting next week.
Each year, the American Legion sponsors students to attend the Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy in Springfield, IL. If you are interested in a career in law enforcement, OR simply think this sounds interesting, and you will be 15-17 years old on June 20-25, you are eligible to apply! This is a very active, para-military experience with the goal of increasing awareness of careers in law enforcement and improving relationships between youth and Law Enforcement. If this sounds interesting to you, please see Ms. Hieronymus for more information and an application.
Make your reservations today for the spring play, “Though This Be Madness” will be performed April 16, 17, and 18 onstage in Moore Gymnasium. Reservations can be made with any cast member, by talking to or emailing Ms. Yeagle, or on the Thespian Troupe Facebook page - BRHS Thespian Troupe 5290 & Friends.
Reservations are highly encouraged due to seating situations. Make yours today! It's going to be a crazy fun time!
Soccer pictures have been rescheduled Thursday April 8th at South Park at 4:00. If you need a picture order form, we have them in the office.
May 12 will be spring sports photos the schedule is as follows:
Softball: 2:30: on the softball field
Girls track: 3:00 practice field
Boys track 3:30 practice field
Baseball 4:00 at south park or practice field
Any girl that is interested in track, please see Mr. Miles as soon as possible.
Softball practice starts at 2:45 every day and Baseball practice starts at 3:30 daily. If you wish to play Softball or Baseball, please see the office! Your teams need you!
For any boys interested in Track for this year, please see Mr. Kramer as soon as possible to be added to the roster. There will be a brief meeting for boys track on Friday, April 9th at 2:25 in the Commons.
There are Golf summer practice schedules in the office for those of you interested in playing golf this fall.
Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Patty with Mashed Potatoes or an alternative lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich