


For Thursday, May 13th


The following students need to return soccer uniforms to Mrs Flannell:

Victor Reynolds & Dylan Coffey, please return your white jersey.


All Students:  please return your library books TODAY.  You will be charged for lost books if they are not returned.  Fines are now being charged for late books! 

For those students who received their 1st COVID shots, the 2nd shot has been set up for TODAY.  We’ll be calling down when it’s all set up and ready to go.

FCA will be meeting TODAY during lunch! Come join us in Mr. Minteer's room for snacks and some good conversations!  All are welcome to come!


The next FFA Meeting is May 17th at 6pm. We will watch the Section 16 Banquet starting at 6 with our game night meeting following. 

BRHS Yearbooks are for sale right now until May 28th.  This is a change in the date from an announcement made a week ago.  You can order online  at or bring a check made out to BRHS yearbook or cash to Ms. Thacker for $50 to order yours.  Only a few extra books will be ordered so make sure you get yours before May 28.


After school detentions this week is with Mr. Minteer.  Lunch detentions TODAY are in the office.

Today’s lunch menu is: Chicken Leg with Bread Sticks or the alternative lunch of Bagel & Cream Cheese