


For Thursday, May 27th


For lunch today, students who are usually in the old gym for lunch, please go to the

South side of the new gym to eat, due to Schneider using our old gym.


Volleyball camp forms are due TODAY and a summer volleyball meeting will be held at 2:20 in the new gym after school Wednesday, May 26th.


Color Guard Clinics finish TODAY and Thursday from 4-5pm to join a competitive team that performs with the marching band. Any current freshmen thru juniors are welcome to attend! You do not have to know anything, as we will teach it to you, just wear school appropriate clothes you can move in, tennis shoes, and bring a positive attitude. See Mr. Mitchell in the band room, Ms. Meisner in the Ag Room, or any current member for any questions or more information.


FCA will meet TODAY in Mr. Minteer's room during lunch time!  Pizza will be provided and come join us for some good conversation and some good snacks as we finish out the school year. We hope to see you there!

Please clean out your lockers today and Friday and turn in your charged chrome books, cases and chargers to the library when you are done with them.  If anything is wrong with them, you will be charged. 

The Blue Ridge International trip to Germany, France, Monaco, and Spain has been rescheduled for June 23-July 6, 2022.  The cost of the trip is approximately $4,500 which includes plane tickets, train and bus transportation, all hotels, and two meals per day.  Students must have parental consent to go, but all students, parents, staff, or Blue Ridge community persons are welcome to join us.  See Ms. Loop, if you are interested.

Auditions for the summer community theatre production of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland will be  TODAY from 3:30-5:00.  Friday, May 28th audition times will be from 3:30-5:00 and 6:30-8:00 onstage in Moore Gymnasium. No experience needed. If you have any questions, talk to Ms. Yeagle

TOMORROW is the last day to order BRHS Yearbooks.  You can bring a check made out to BRHS yearbook or cash to Ms. Thacker for $50 to order yours.  Only a few extra books will be ordered so make sure you order  yours before Friday!.


Cheer open gyms will be held June 8, 9 and 10 from 3:30-5 for anyone wishing to try out for the football and/or basketball seasons next school year.  Tryouts will be held Friday, June 11 starting at 9 am.  Email Coach Woliung or stop by to see her to get on the email list for tryout video links and more info to come.  You won't want to miss these links, as they will get you prepared for open gym week.

Cassie Zimmerman led the hitting for Blue Ridge Lady Softball last night, going 4 for 5 with 3 RBI’s, Lexi Young was 3 for 4 with 3 RBI’s and Abby Bolen added 2 hits and 2 RBI’s.  Cumberland  defeated Blue Ridge last night 14 to 12.


Both the Boys and Girls Track team are competing at Conference meet today at Okaw Valley.  Good luck Knights!

Ms. Villwock has after school detentions in her room this week. 

Today’s lunch menu is: Spaghetti with Garlic Bread or the alternative lunch of a Bagel and Strawberry Cream Cheese.