


for Thursday, August 26th

Fall Picture day will be on Thursday, September 2nd district-wide.  Picture forms will be going out to the English classes next week!


FCA is having a meeting at lunch on TODAY in Mr. Minteer's room 207. There will be snacks, but make sure to grab your lunch before you come! Join us for food and fun!


The Dungeons and Dragons club is having an informational interest meeting Thursday after school in Ms. Miller's room at 2:30 pm. Whether you have played before or haven't even heard of Dungeon and Dragons, you're welcome to come check it out!


Kittens! Chaos! Destruction! Mummies! Vampires! Monsters! World domination! Werehyenas! Seeing the Mansfield Mrs. Yeagle! 

Don’t miss auditions for Dr. Evil and the Basket of Kittens! Today and tomorrow in the library after school. No experience needed.  Check out the bulletin board in the senior hallway for character descriptions. If you have any questions or want to be involved but can’t make it to auditions talk to the Math-helping Ms. Yeagle!



Attention Junior class of 2023:  Please bring to the office your mum orders no later than  Monday, August 30th!  You can turn in your orders to the office.


There will be a Student Council meeting for anyone who is wanting to join a great student body group next Tuesday, August 31st during lunch in the library.  Please bring your lunch with you and we’ll be deciding some things that we should get working on including class officer elections and homecoming!  We hope to see you all there!


Are you a current FFA member or someone interested in FFA? Attend our FFA Knight on Thursday, September 2nd at 6pm in the Moore Gym! 


Greenville University will be here for a college visit on Wednesday Sep, 22nd at 9:00am.  Please see one of the 2 counselors for a pass to that visit.


Lunch detentions are in the office during lunch TODAY.


Today’s lunch is Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potatoes & Roll or an alternative lunch of peanut butter and jelly