


for Tuesday, August 31st



The HS concession stand will not be open today during lunch!

There will be a Student Council meeting TODAY during lunch in the library.  Please bring your lunch with you and we’ll be deciding some things that we should get working on including class officer elections and homecoming!  We hope to see you all there!


Fall Picture day will be Thursday district-wide. 


FCA will be meeting on Thursday in Mr. Minteer's room during lunch. Feel free to grab your lunch and head on up. Snacks will be provided. Join us as we discuss our new topic for the semester!


Please register your vehicle with the office if you are a new driver or if you have switched vehicles.


Are you a current FFA member or someone interested in FFA? Attend our FFA Knight Thursday at 6pm in the Moore Gym! 


The Piatt County Toy and Gift program application form is in the office for the holidays.  This is only for students living in Piatt County.  If you are interested, the form must be postmarked by 10/31.  See the office for more details!


Topflight Grain Cooperative is looking for inside harvest help working the scale at all of their locations. The pay is $12 an hour and anyone interested can go to their Monticello Office and ask for Kelley or call 217-762-2163. 


Anyone interested in a part-time position at Galesville elevator, near Mansfield.  Please check the job window in the Ag Room for information.


Greenville University will be here for a college visit on Wednesday Sep, 22nd at 9:00am.  Please see Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass to attend.


SIUE is coming September, 22 at 2:00pm for a college visit for any Senior.  Please see Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass to attend.


In Girls Golf last night, Blue Ridge Lady Knights team scored 238, placing 2nd in the match to Pontiac.  Blue Ridge’s Ashlyn Voyles shot a 44, Phoebe Reynolds shot a 61, Lily Enger shot a 65 and Brenna Friel shot a 68.  Way to go Lady Knights!


TONIGHT is a HOME Soccer game vs. Olympia at 4:30 at South Park and a JV and Varsity HOME Volleyball game starting at 5:30pm in the new gym.vs. Greenview.


Today’s lunch is a Walking Taco or alternative lunch of a Bagel with Cream Cheese