


for Thursday, September 30th



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting TODAY during lunch! Come join us for snacks and good conversations as we look to learn lessons from lives of people from the past. Bring your lunch to Mr. Minteer's room to join! All are welcome!


School pictures are here along with your Student ID’s!  Please come to the office to claim yours.  You can use your ID’s at lunch to make a quicker check out also.  Here’s another tip:  take a picture of your student id if you don’t want to carry it with you.  It will scan at the lunch line just fine!  The lunch ladies will appreciate it very much!


Library books can be renewed in person, or you can email Mrs. Raines at to request a book renewal.  You are being charged for late books!  As a reminder, please pay your past due library book fees from last year!


Book Club is Friday during lunch in the library.  Bring your lunches and let’s talk!


Upcoming College visit dates from the Guidance office are:

  • Eastern Illinois University will be here for a college visit next Monday, October 4th at 2:30pm.
  • Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing will be here for a college visit on October 18th at 1:00pm. 

See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass for Juniors and Seniors to attend any of these visits!


After school detentions this week are with Ms. Hieronymus.  Lunch detentions TODAY are with Mr. Scurlock.


Today’s lunch is Pork Fritter with bun or a Bagel with Cream Cheese


Thank you and have a great day!