for Monday, October 4th
TODAY there is a Student Council Officer meeting today lunch in the Library.
Tuesday during lunch there will be a Student Council meeting in the Library.
Voting for Homecoming court candidates will be over by 8th hour TODAY. We will announce the homecoming court at the end of the school today. King and Queen voting will be on Tuesday and Wednesday!
School pictures are here along with your Student ID’s! Please come to the office to claim yours. You can use your ID’s at lunch to make a quicker check out also. Here’s another tip: take a picture of your student id if you don’t want to carry it with you. It will scan at the lunch line just fine! The lunch ladies will appreciate it very much!
Eastern Illinois University will be here for a college visit TODAY at 2:30pm. See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass for Juniors and Seniors to attend!
On Thursday we will be having our evacuation drill. Please return your yellow sheets to the office or to one of your teachers if you will or will not be participating that afternoon.
Other college visits that have been scheduled are: Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing will be here for a college visit on October 18th at 1:00pm.
The BRHS STEM club is holding a STEM Spooktacular on Thursday, Oct 7th from 5pm – 7:45 in the high school Science room. Use their QR code to sign up for a tour start time. A $5 donation per person is suggested, but not required.
2 games of the Lincoln Prairie Conference Volleyball tournament will be held at 5pm and 6pm TONIGHT at Blue Ridge. Admission is $5 adults and $3 students. There will be no passes or discounts due to this being a Conference tournament. Blue Ridge Lady Knights play at 6pm. Come out and support them!
The Soccer team plays tonight at Monticello at 4pm. Please dismiss the Soccer players today at 2:15 with the bus leaving at 2:30.
Today’s lunch is Cold Sub Sandwich with chips or a Turkey Sandwich
Thank you and have a great day!