


for Tuesday, October 12th


It’s HOMECOMING Week!  The theme of Homecoming is “Creeping it Real”!

Congratulations to the 2021 King and Queen: Payton Burns and Hank Mitchell


Sign-ups for Homecoming games are on the bulletin board in the commons.  We need participants from each class to sign up.  Ask any cheerleader for details.  Get those teams together and get your names on the board!!  


Student Council meeting today in the library during lunch.


Float building continues today and goes through Tuesday, this week!  Make sure and get with your classmates and build away!


Homecoming Dance Sign up sheet is available in the office!  The dance is only for Blue Ridge students on October 16th in the old gym.


All Golf team members line up for the parade at 5pm in  your uniforms.  Golf carts driven by adults are welcome.


For anyone interested in scholastic bowl, schedules are out.  Come see Coach Miles.


Other college visits that have been scheduled are:  The Army will be here 10/13 during lunch, Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing will be here for a college visit on October 18th at 1:00pm, and ISU will be here on 10/27 at 12:50 right after lunch.   See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass to attend the Nursing college visit.


After school detentions this week are with Mr. Decker.  Lunch detentions Tuesday with Mr. Minteer in his room.


Today’s lunch is Soft Tacos or Pretzel/cheese.


Thank you and have a great day!