for Thursday, October 21st
Attention soccer players: please return your CLEAN uniform to Mrs. Flannell ASAP.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting TODAY during lunch in Mr. Minteer’s room! Come join us for snacks and good conversations as we look to learn lessons from lives of people from the past. Bring your lunch to Mr. Minteer's room to join! All are welcome!
This Friday ---- Blue Ridge FFA is offering a cookout meal of $5 for any staff or students that want to participate. The menu is choice of a hamburger or 2 hotdogs, chips, cookie, and a drink. Please let the office know if you wish to participate. The $5 is due today or tomorrow.
Key Club is active again this year! Please join us on Friday at lunch in the library to learn more about Key Club! Key Club is a high school student-led group that is connected to our local Kiwanis Club. Our mission is to improve our communities and world through community service and volunteering. Key Club is a great way to build up a resume of service that will look great to employers, colleges, and scholarships. Bring your lunch on Friday to the library!
Monday, October 25th will be the Freshman Class ring presentation to the Freshman class at 9:04am. Go to your 2nd hour class for attendance, then come to the commons for the Jostens presentation. Ring orders will be taken November 2nd during lunch.
The next FFA meeting will be October 26th with our Trick or Treat for Hunger going from 4-6 pm, Committees at 6:30pm and the Chapter meeting at 7pm. Wear a costume for the costume contest.
Central Illinois CEO is having “Bring a Junior to Class Days” on October 26th from 7:30 – 9am. There is also another date on November 16th. If you’d be interested in attending, please let the office know.
The Senior graduation presentation from Jostens will be on Wednesday, October 27th at 9:04 in the commons area. Report to your 2nd hour class and you’ll be called down after attendance. Senior graduation item orders will be due on November 3rd during lunch.
Illinois State University is scheduled to be here for a college visit on 10/27 at 12:50 right after lunch. See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass to attend.
Congratulations to the September Athletes of the Month!
Volleyball - Junior Gracie Shaffer
Football – Sophomore Matt Schumacher
Girls Golf – Senior Ashlyn Voyles
Boys Golf – Senior Dylan Kelley
Football Cheer – Sophomore Cassie Zimmerman
Soccer – Sophomore Ty Meeker
Last night Blue Ridge FFA members competed in multiple Section 16 FFA events. In Ag Sales the team placed 5th overall with Madi Wingert being the top scorer for the team. Other team members included Morgan Drozs, Kaleb Southern, and Kallee Steinkamp. In Greenhand Quiz Bowl Blue Ridge was 1st in their first round, 2nd in their second round, and was 4th overall. Team members include Lily Enger, Rachel Light, Gavin Friel, and Lori Weiss. In Grain Fair and SAE Expo Gracie Shaffer, Hank Mitchell, and Morgan Drozs competed with their projects and received an A rating on each entry. Congratulations FFA!
Good Luck to the Volleyball team tonight in their final HOME game at 6pm! Dress up tonight is Blue/Silver wear!
After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Friel. Lunch detentions this week are with Ms. Villwock today.
Today’s lunch is Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potatoes or Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.