for Wednesday, October 27th
If you do not have permission to be on the elevators, do not use them. If you get caught using them without permission you’ll receive a detention.
Soccer players: please return your CLEAN uniform to Mrs. Flannell this week!
Golf players: please return your golf bags to the office this week!
The Life Skills class has 2021 Knight wear options available and the order forms in the office. Forms are due back on November 8th.
Illinois State University is scheduled to be here for a college visit TODAY at 12:50 right after lunch. See Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for a pass to attend.
The first Kindness Club meeting Friday, in the library, during lunch please? This is our first meeting and anyone is welcome!
Good Luck to our Blue Ridge FFA at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis! 2 of our graduates are being awarded their American Farmer Degrees! Receiving those honors are Katie Cole and Ellie Paulsrud. Our chapter will also be getting awards! Way to go Blue Ridge FFA!
It’s Volleyball Regional week this week at Blue Ridge and we are hosting! Admission fee is $5 for EVERYONE in attendance! The Lady Knights are back in action TONIGHT at 5:30 pm vs. LeRoy. Come out and cheer on the Lady Knights volleyball team. The theme for the night is White out! Go Knights!
After school detentions this week are with Mr. Scurlock. Lunch detentions Thursday with Mrs. Lagle.
Today’s lunch is Chicken & Noodles or a Bagel with Cream Cheese