for Wednesday, November 3rd
Attention Seniors: Please stop in the office and sign-off on your name spelling for your graduation diploma.
Student Council members: If you are signed up to go to the Student Council field trip on Nov. 5th, please return those forms by TODAY or you will not be going!
If you missed the Senior and Freshman Jostens presentations, please see the office for the packets to take home. Senior graduation orders are due TODAY during lunch!
Universal Technical Institute will be visiting Ag classes TODAY during 4th and 5th period. Students who are not in 4th and 5th period Ag and would like a pass, please see Ms. Hieronymus, Ms. Clayton, or Ms. Meisner for a pass.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting Thursday during lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. Anyone is welcome to come for great conversation and snacks!
Make your reservations today for Dr. Evil and the Basket of Kittens! The play is this weekend - November 5 & 6 at 7pm and November 7 at 2pm, onstage in Moore Gymnasium at BRHS. Tickets are $10 and only $7 for students! Talk to Ms. Yeagle or a cast member for tickets!
The Life Skills class has 2021 Knight wear options available and the order forms in the office. Forms are due back on November 8th.
The schedule for Nov 9th winter sports photos is as follows:
3:30 Quiz Bowl
3:45: Girls basketball
4:15 Boys basketball
4:45 Cheer
5:15 Band
After school detentions this week are with Mr. Miles in the gym. Lunch detentions Thursday with Ms. Moore and Mrs. Jones in Jones room.
Today’s lunch is: Country Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes or a Turkey Sandwich
The commons concession stand will not be open.